no, not to save my life
After all, I am not so gone in years but what I can build the mill again myself. The Lord hath spared my hands and eyes, and gifted me still with machinery. And Firm is a very handy lad, and can carry out a job pretty fairly, with better brains to stand over him, although it has not pleased the Lord to gift him with sense of machinery, like me. But that is all for the best, no doubt. If Ephraim had too much of brains, he might have contradicted me. And that I could never abide, God knows, from any green young jackanapes.”
“Oh, Uncle Sam, let me tell you something — something very important!”
“No, my dear, nothing more just now. It has done me good to have a little talk, and scared the blue somethings out of me. But just go and ask whatever is become of cheap oakley sunglasses
Firm. He was riled with them greasers. It was all I could do to keep the boy out of a difficulty with them. And if they camp any where nigh, it is like enough he may go hankerin’ after them. The grand march of intellect hathn’t managed yet to march old heads upon young shoulders. And Firm might happen to go outside the law.” The thought of this frightened me not a little; for Firm, though mild of speech, was very hot of spirit at any wrong, as I knew from tales of Suan Isco, who had brought him up and made a glorious idol of him. And now, when she could not say where he was, but only was sure that he must be quite safe (in virtue of a charm from a great medicine man which she had hung about him), it seemed to me, according to what I was used to, that in these regions human life was held a great deal too lightly. It was not for one moment that I cared about Firm, any more than is the duty of a fellow-creature. He was a very good young man, and in his way good-looking, educated also quite enough, and polite, and a very good carver of a joint; and when I spoke, he nearly always listened. But of course he was not to be compared as yet to his grandfather, the true Sawyer. When I ran back from Suan Isco, who was going on about her charm, and the impossibility of any one being scalped who wore it, I found Mr. Gundry in a genial mood. He never made himself uneasy about any trifles. He always had a very pure and lofty faith in the ways of Providence, and having lost his only son Elijah, he was sure that he never could lose Firm. He had taken his glass of hot whiskey and water, which always made him temperate; and if he felt any of his troubles deeply, he dwelt on them now from a high point of view. “I may ‘a said a little too much, my dear, about the badness of mankind,” he observed, with his pipe lying comfortably on his breast; “all sayings of that sort is apt to go too far. I ought to have made more allowance for the times, which gets into a ticklish state, when a old man is put about with them. Never you pay no heed whatever to any harsh words I may have used. All that is a very bad thing for young folk.”
Firm. He was riled with them greasers. It was all I could do to keep the boy out of a difficulty with them. And if they camp any where nigh, it is like enough he may go hankerin’ after them. The grand march of intellect hathn’t managed yet to march old heads upon young shoulders. And Firm might happen to go outside the law.” The thought of this frightened me not a little; for Firm, though mild of speech, was very hot of spirit at any wrong, as I knew from tales of Suan Isco, who had brought him up and made a glorious idol of him. And now, when she could not say where he was, but only was sure that he must be quite safe (in virtue of a charm from a great medicine man which she had hung about him), it seemed to me, according to what I was used to, that in these regions human life was held a great deal too lightly. It was not for one moment that I cared about Firm, any more than is the duty of a fellow-creature. He was a very good young man, and in his way good-looking, educated also quite enough, and polite, and a very good carver of a joint; and when I spoke, he nearly always listened. But of course he was not to be compared as yet to his grandfather, the true Sawyer. When I ran back from Suan Isco, who was going on about her charm, and the impossibility of any one being scalped who wore it, I found Mr. Gundry in a genial mood. He never made himself uneasy about any trifles. He always had a very pure and lofty faith in the ways of Providence, and having lost his only son Elijah, he was sure that he never could lose Firm. He had taken his glass of hot whiskey and water, which always made him temperate; and if he felt any of his troubles deeply, he dwelt on them now from a high point of view. “I may ‘a said a little too much, my dear, about the badness of mankind,” he observed, with his pipe lying comfortably on his breast; “all sayings of that sort is apt to go too far. I ought to have made more allowance for the times, which gets into a ticklish state, when a old man is put about with them. Never you pay no heed whatever to any harsh words I may have used. All that is a very bad thing for young folk.”
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Sune klappade på lappen i bröstfickan.
"I så fall är du skyldig mig femhundra spänn. Låt oss hoppas att jag inte måste hälsa på dig igen."
Det hoppet är det enda du och jag har gemensamt, tänkte Sune.väskor
Det blixtrade till utanför kontorsfönstret och det första åskmullret rullade över den mörknande kvällshimlen. Sune kände sig otillfredsställd: dagen hade inneburit ett springande hit och dit men slutat i återvändsgränder eller nya lösa trådändar. En blick på klockan sade honom att det var dags att dra sig hemåt men dagen kändes oavslutad. Han tittade på papperen framför sig.
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"Jag kan inte garantera att dom där inte använt alias. Pedos brukar göra det."
Sune klappade på lappen i bröstfickan.
"I så fall är du skyldig mig femhundra spänn. Låt oss hoppas att jag inte måste hälsa på dig igen."
Det hoppet är det enda du och jag har gemensamt, tänkte Sune.väskor
Det blixtrade till utanför kontorsfönstret och det första åskmullret rullade över den mörknande kvällshimlen. Sune kände sig otillfredsställd: dagen hade inneburit ett springande hit och dit men slutat i återvändsgränder eller nya lösa trådändar. En blick på klockan sade honom att det var dags att dra sig hemåt men dagen kändes oavslutad. Han tittade på papperen framför sig.
Eftermiddagens övningar hade bestått i att han efter det deprimerande mötet med Rico nystat i en av trådändarna och besökt Janssons Schakt, Grus & Betong AB i Vallentuna. Av en stressad platschef hade han fått namnet på kunden man utfört grävarbetet åt. Någon massgrav var det naturligtvis inte frågan om; enligt beställningen hade det rört sig om ett kombinerat skyddsrums- och källararbete i en jaktstuga som tillhörde ett finansbolag som i huvudsak använde den för representationsjakt. Men vad Toivo hade med saken att göra framgick inte.väska